The goal of RASPUTIN is to run every path in the University of Toronto.

RASPUTIN is completed via a series of trips. Each trip must start and end at this bus stop outside Trinity College. During each trip I must track my location using an advanced worldwide outer space-based software protocol (GPS).

What do you mean by “run”?

Formally I could use the definition race walkers use that running is when both feet are off the ground between each stride, but really I think think that most people have a feeling for when they are running and when they are not. I am allowed (though not encouraged) to walk at any point during a RASPUTIN trip, but I must run each path at least once over the course of all the trips. Unfortunately, my GPS is not kind enough to tell me where in my trip I walked and where I ran, so whenever I am on a path for the first time, I am required to run on it to avoid confusion.

What do you mean by “path”?

A path is a connected section of concrete, ashphalt, gravel, tiles, or exposed dirt created by humans, whether intentionally or unintentionally, for the purposes of transportation. Under this definition, a street is a path, but RAPUTIN doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. Here are some other things that count as paths:

  • Sidewalks
  • Staircases
  • Parking Lots
  • Dirt paths on the corners of parks made by people too preoccupied with optimising the length of their route to worry about grass quality

What counts as “running” a large open area such as a parking lot is up to my judgement. If it is fairly big, I’ll usually run its perimeter, if it’s small I allow myself to just run through the middle of it. Sometimes paths are made difficult to access by obstacles such as cameras next to No Trespassing signs, locked gates, or construction vehicles. These paths are optional.

What do you mean by “in the University of Toronto”?

A path is in U of T if and only if it is adjacent to or enclosed by the shaded region on this map.

Sorry UTM and UTSC, but since this mission is “intracampus” you guys don’t count as being in U of T.